> 春节2024 > 今天是过年的日历英语




1. \"What is the date today?\" - Asking for the specific day of the month.

2. \"What day is today?\" - Inquiring about the current day of the week.

3. \"What day is it today?\" - Similar to the second question, asking for the present day of the week.

4. \"What is the -ZOL问答


一月或二月 - January or February

五月一日 - May 1st

九月十日 - September 10th

一月一日 - January 1st

十月一日 - October 1st

六月一日 - June 1st


春节 - Spring Festival

例句:The Spring Festival is drawing near. - 春节快到了。


春节 - Spring Festival

教师节 - Teachers\' Day

儿童节 - Children\'s Day

感恩节 - Thanksgiving Day

万圣节 - Halloween

圣诞节 - Christmas

元宵节 - Lantern Festival

清明节 - Qingming Festival

端午节 - Dragon Boat Festival


What\'s the date today? - It\'s February 19th.

at/in/on 在时间表达中的区别

在时间表达中,at、in、on 有不同的用法:

~ 如果问题比较多请分开提问哦 in the week是对的,表示在工作日,即周一到周五。例如:\"I never have the time to go out in the week.\" - 我平时没时间在工作日出去。

正确翻译what day is today?

这句话的正确翻译是 \"What day is it today?\" - 今天星期几?